Troubleshooting and FAQs
I tap my scale but the display does not light up.
Make sure that you have pulled the battery isolator tab out of the battery compartment on the bottom of the scale. If you have pulled the tab and the display still does not light up, open the battery compartment: use a small Philips screwdriver to loosen the screw, open the battery door and check whether all parts of the tab have been removed. Ensure that the batteries are inserted with correct polarity (see instructions molded into the battery compartment). Then close the battery door and tighten the screw again.
My app does not connect to my scale.
Your smartphone or tablet device and the scale communicate via Bluetooth connection. Make sure that your mobile device has Bluetooth turned on, or the app will not be able to get data from the scale. In order to turn on Bluetooth, go to your mobile device settings and slide the Bluetooth button to “on”. You can do this before you open the app. If you forget, the app will remind you during the set-up or the connection process. (After you change the setting, click on the app again and the app will bring you back to the screen on which you were before.)
The scale has to be on (display lit up) in order to connect. Firmly tap the scale with your foot to turn it on. With the app open, press CONNECT TO SCALE. Once the scale display is lit, the LCD display will show a blinking Bluetooth icon to show that it is attempting to communicate with the app. At the same time, the app shows a Bluetooth symbol surrounded by blinking dots while trying to connect. If your mobile device and the scale fail to connect, simply let the scale display go off and then try again (make sure you tap the “connect to scale” button on the app).
Once the app and the scale connect, you will see a stable Bluetooth symbol on the scale, along with a check mark, and the app will show a Bluetooth symbol and check mark on the bottom of the page as well. Now you can step on the scale! Stand still while the scale takes your measurements and then displays them in the app.
NOTE – You do not need to manually connect the scale in your smartphone or tablet device’s Bluetooth settings. The scale should connect automatically to your device if your Bluetooth is turned on.
If you are using a Samsung Galaxy S6, some users may have an issue with the Bluetooth connectivity. A common remedy is to clear the Bluetooth cache on the device. To do this:
- Go to Settings
- Go to Apps
- Hit 3 dots menu > Show System
- Go to Bluetooth Share
- Tap Storage
- Clear Data and Clear Cache
- Bluetooth connectivity should be better now. Note that this will clear data of all devices the phone has previously paired with
Transmitting data to an Android phone or tablet
Before using the WW Scales by Conair app with an Adroid device, always ensure that your location services are switched to 'on', as the Bluetooth antenna relies on the GPS antenna to be on. If your location services are switched off, you may have an issue connecting your device and scale via Bluetooth.
The app is telling me to turn Bluetooth on.
Your mobile device and the scale communicate via Bluetooth connection. Make sure that your mobile device has Bluetooth turned on, or the app will not be able to get data from the scale. In order to turn on Bluetooth, go to your mobile device settings and slide the Bluetooth button to “on”. You can do this before you open the app. If you forget, the app will remind you during the set-up or the connection process. (After you change the setting, click on the app again and the app will bring you back to the screen on which you were before.)
My scale only displays weight but no body fat, body water, etc and other analysis results
Make sure the scale is in Body Analysis mode, and you have entered your data information correctly, ie, age, height, and gender. You must stand on the scale barefoot, with no shoes or socks, and also ensure your feet are aligned on the stainless-steel electrodes on the platform. If your feet are not aligned correctly on the stainless-steel electrodes, or if you are wearing socks or stockings, the scale will display "Err" and then switch off. The scale has to make contact with your bare feet in order to get the readings. Do not wear socks or stockings. If you step on the scale bare feet and the scale still does not read your body analysis measurements, rub a little water or lotion into the soles of your feet – but be careful not to slip on the glass surface of the scale.
Not all my measurements are showing up on the dashboard.
If you are using more than one mobile device, for instance, an iPad and an iPhone, to communicate with your scale, your data will be stored in two different places: the measurements you took with your iPad will show on the dashboard of the app on your iPad and the measurements you took with your iPhone will show on the dashboard of the app on your iPhone. For data security and privacy reasons, we do not currently allow the data from the scale to be stored anywhere but on the device which you use to access the scale (with a few exceptions: if you consent to have your weight tracked by Weight Watchers®, or have your data transferred to the Apple® Health or to Google Fit®, the data may be stored by those entities and is subject to their respective privacy policies.)
If you travel without your scale, you can monitor your weight and body analysis results on any other scale and then manually add the data into the app.
Tips and Frequently Asked Questions
There are several different pairing options:
One scale can pair with several mobile devices. For instance, a husband, a wife and their teenage daughter can each have their own mobile device and pair it to the same scale.
The same person can pair several mobile devices to the scale. For instance, the teenage daughter may pair both her iPad and her iPhone to the same scale.
The same mobile device can be used to pair to more than one scale. For instance, you can pair to one WW’s scale in the downstairs bathroom and to a different WW’s scale in the upstairs bathroom from the same phone.
Several users can use the same mobile device to pair to the same scale. For instance, a dad and his son can use the same mobile device to pair to the same scale. Note: the app assumes that the primary owner of the device will be the user of the scale and keeps that user logged on. If a different user wishes to use the app on the same mobile device to connect to the scale, the primary user needs to sign out of their app account (go to “my account”, then “settings”, and click “log out”). Then the secondary user needs to log on to their account to in order to be able to use the scale.
You can overwrite existing user profiles (user numbers). In order to do that, choose a user number that is already in use. The app will alert you to the fact that this user number is already being used and that proceeding with the set-up process will erase all data previously gathered. If you choose to proceed, all old user data will be discarded and you can set yourself up as the new user under that user number.
If you wish to erase all user data, you can reset the scale: the reset button is on the bottom of the scale. Insert a wire or paper clip into the hole and push down (similar to a computer rest). The scale display will show “Clr”. This will restore the factory settings and erase all user information. Please note that resetting the scale does NOT erase your data from the app, but the next time you try to connect with the scale, the app will ask you to choose a new user number (user “slot”). Once you have chosen a new slot, the scale will take your measurements as usual and add them to the data you already have on your dashboard.
Your smartphone or tablet device and the scale communicate via Bluetooth connection. Make sure that your mobile device has Bluetooth turned on, or the app will not be able to get data from the scale. In order to turn on Bluetooth, go to your mobile device settings and slide the Bluetooth button to “on”. You can do this before you open the app. If you forget, the app will remind you during the set-up or the connection process. (After you change the setting, click on the app again and the app will bring you back to the screen on which you were before.)
The scale has to be on (display lit up) in order to connect. Firmly tap the scale with your foot to turn it on. With the app open, press CONNECT TO SCALE. Once the scale display is lit, the LCD display will show a blinking Bluetooth icon to show that it is attempting to communicate with the app. At the same time, the app shows a Bluetooth symbol surrounded by blinking dots while trying to connect. If your mobile device and the scale fail to connect, simply let the scale display go off and then try again (make sure you tap the “connect to scale” button on the app).
Once the app and the scale connect, you will see a stable Bluetooth symbol on the scale, along with a check mark, and the app will show a Bluetooth symbol and check mark on the bottom of the page as well. Now you can step on the scale! Stand still while the scale takes your measurements and then displays them in the app.
NOTE – You do not need to manually connect the scale in your smartphone or tablet device’s Bluetooth settings. The scale should connect automatically to your device if your Bluetooth is turned on.
Please read the FAQs and the Troubleshooting sections before calling our Customer Service hotline. Many issues can be resolved by following the advice in those sections. If you are still having trouble, please call our Customer Service hotline on 1800 650 263 (in Australia) or 0800 266 247 (in New Zealand) between the hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday AEST or email us at
In order for our Customer Service team to help you, please let them know which scale you own (scale model number is on a label under the bottom of the scale, such as WW910A). Please also let us know which mobile device you are using, and what version of software (i.e., iPad2 with iOS 8.0 or Samsung XX with Android 4.5.).
Please allow up to 48 hours (or longer on weekends/Public Holidays) for our Customer Service team to attend to your query.
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Free call 1800 650 263 for Australia | Free call 0800 266 247 for New Zealand
Conair Australia: P.O Box 146, Terrey Hills, NSW 2084
Conair New Zealand: PO Box 251159, Pakuranga, Auckland 2140
Contact us by filling out the form below and pressing "submit".